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"Youse need one on yo utter titty." I do?" Tonya asked. "What should I have there the moon?" She asked as the warmth moved to her rapidly dampening crotch."A zebra or maybe a black spade. I'll buy it for you if you let me pick it." He said with a grin as his hand massaged her breast. Marcus began to tease and stimulate her nipples further. First he would pinch and bite them until Tonya was uncomfortable from the pain and would squirm on his lap then he would gently lick them until they relaxed a bit. Then he would do it again. Tonya found herself moaning and sighing from his actions."Get up and take off yo jeans gurl, I want to eat me sum of dat pussy o' yours." He ordered. Tonya got up and slowly stripped off her jeans and wet panties. She had to pull her very wet panties from between her pussy lips as they had become stuck from her copious juices. The scent from the in heat Tonya filled both of their nostrils and Marcus smiled widely. Tonya sat back down on his lap and Marcus. It was that sort of day. My mom, when she brought out a couple of plates of snacks, was wearing a free flowing white summer dress and sandals. None of us paid particular attention to her when she came out laden with the snacks that went with our beer. She was my mom and the three guys were around my home enough to know her and give her the respect of being my mom.My mom didn't mind our drinking, if it was in the back yard and no one was going to drive. As we all lived a short distance from each other, that was never an option. Her and I lived alone, dad was a distant memory for both of us and there was never any longing from me to see his shadow move across our doorway.She was Philippa and I was Ian. She worked in middle level downtown corporate, was in her early 40's, just a little shorter than my 5'11", light auburn hair cropped to mid neck, with bright green eyes that dominated her soft and attractive face. About a size 12, she dressed well and smart during the week, relaxed on.
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